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Huawei Sues Samsung in China and US for Intellectual Property Infringements (May-2016)

Huawei announced on May 25 that it had filed a lawsuit against Samsung in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California and Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court of China. Huawei claimed damages from Samsung for its intellectual property infringements relating to the patents of cellular communication technology and software used in Samsung mobile phones.

Samsung announced that it had not yet decided its strategy to confront the lawsuit, however it might consider aggressive responses such as filing a countersuit.

In the first quarter of 2016, Samsung’s global mobile phone shipments exceeded the total of Apple and Huawei. According to Gartner’s report issued on May 23, Samsung’s global mobile phone shipments in the first quarter of 2016 was 81.19 million with a market share of 24.1%, ranking No. 1 in the world, followed by Apple with 51.63 million and a market share of 17.9% and Huawei with 28.86 million and a market share of 5.4%, ranking third.

(URL: hppt://tech.qq.com/a/20160525/002175.htm)