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Trademark Applications for Registration Increased Rapidly in the First Three Quarters (Oct-2016)

According to the statistics of the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the trademark applications for registration saw a sustained and rapid growth in the first three quarters, wherein trademark applications for registration reached 2.649 million, a 25.2% increase as compared with the same period of last year; a further increase of online trademark applications for registration accounting for 78.8% of the total registrations. Namely, out of the total trademark applications for registration of 2.649 million in the first three quarters, 2.088 million are online trademark applications registration, a 10 percent rise as compared with the same period of last year.

The statistics indicate, the accumulated trademark applications for registration reaching 21.051 million, breaking the 20 million mark; the accumulated registrations reached 13.839 million; and the accumulated effective registrations was 11.765 million by September 2016.

With the enhancement of vitality of independent innovation as market entity and brand awareness, the number of trademark applications for registration will maintain a growth momentum, the total annual trademark applications for registration are expected to be 3.5 million, applications for examination will reach 0.15 million.

(Source: China Business News)