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Requests for Appearance Design Patent Evaluation Report Broke Twenty Thousand in China (Nov-2016)

According to the statistics of SIPO, China’s requests for the design patent evaluation report accumulatively broke twenty thousand by October 28, 2016.

System for the design patent evaluation report, which came into effect since October 1, 2009, is newly added after the third modification to the Patent Law. The number of the requests for appearance design patent evaluation report increased rapidly year by year since the reception of the requests for appearance design patent evaluation report by SIPO in July 2010. In 2010 only 33 requests were received, in 2011 it was 390, and soared up to 6032 in 2015. By the recent October 28, the requests for appearance design patent evaluation report in 2016 reached to 7004.

Ever since the implementation of the appearance design patent evaluation report system, especially after September 2015, the requests for the report broke ten thousand within fourteen months, which indicates that the appearance design patent evaluation report system as a beneficial supplement to the preliminary examination system for the appearance design patent has been accepted and paid attention to by more and more social public. 

(Source: China Intellectual Property News)