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Hague Agreement in Effect in China (2022-5)

Since May 5, 2022, the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs (1999) (Hague Agreement) has entered into force in China.  The Hague Agreement, together with the Madrid Agreement on Trademarks and the Patent Cooperation Treaty, constitutes three major business systems in the field of industrial property rights.  According to the Hague Agreement, the applicant only needs to submit one international application to seek the protection of the design in the relevant contracting parties.

There are two ways to submit an international application for design through the Hague system. The applicant may directly submit an international application to the WIPO International Bureau or submit an international application indirectly through the Office of the Contracting Party if permitted by the Office of the contracting party.  Under the Hague system, the international registration of design is valid for the first period of five years and may be extended twice, each for five years.  For every designated contracting party bound by the Hague Agreement (1999), the international registration shall be protected for at least 15 years.

Adapted from the CNIPA